Whether you’re mounting a TV in the living room, movie theater, or outdoor lounge, you want your television to be safe and secure. If you have a stud-less wall, your television may fall and damage itself or someone in the room. To avoid this, you can mount the TV with Lag Bolts. These are heavy bolts that provide a solid anchor for your television mount. This mount is easy to install and is designed for a secure mounting experience.
It takes low profile to a whole new level. The SANUS LL11 HDPro ™ mount features innovative click-stand tabs that stay hidden and pull down to unlock the bottom of the wall plate for easy cable access without removing the TV from the wall. It is also designed with lateral shift that allows you to micro-adjust the position of the TV after installation.
To make a Lag Bolts for your TV mount, you’ll need lag bolts, washers, and a drill bit. The lag bolts should be at least 5/16” in diameter and 2-1/2” long. The washers will help distribute the load on the lag bolts and prevent them from loosening. The drill bit should be slightly smaller than the lag bolts to create a pilot hole. You can use a level to mark the location where you will drill, then place the lag bolts into the holes and tighten them. When using lag bolts, it’s important to take care when tightening them because they can easily pop the heads of the bolt if you apply too much pressure. Lag Bolts for TV mount