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luxury handbags are the ultimate accessory—they elevate any outfit and carry their value over time, meaning you can always resell them for some extra cash down the road. But with so many styles and brands out there, it can be difficult to know which ones are truly worth the investment. To help you make the right decision, we rounded up the bestselling designer purses with the best resale value that are sure to last you a lifetime.
If you’re looking for a bag to last the test of time, look no further than this classic flap-front design by Chanel. The timeless style has been a favorite of editors and celebs alike since Coco Chanel launched the brand in 1909.
Miu Miu
This popular bag from fashion powerhouse Miu Miu is a classic for good reason. The label’s bags typically play to specific themes and have major resale appeal, thanks to their popularity with Gen Z shoppers. The RealReal’s January Luxury Consignment Report reported that the brand’s latest silhouettes are reviving aughts trends—such as the Tessuto shoulder bag, pictured above—with a sophisticated leather finish and ruched look.
Founded in 1913, this renowned Italian luxury fashion house is known for its sleek bags that are always on-trend. The coveted line is beloved by editors and celebrities, including Rihanna and Dua Lipa, for its versatile styles that can be dressed up or down.