For many people, rosacea can make them feel self-conscious and cause a loss of confidence in their appearance. Fortunately, there are many effective rosacea treatment options to help control symptoms and restore skin’s natural appearance. They include prescription creams, laser and light treatments, and medication.
Your dermatologist can recommend skin care products that are gentle enough for rosacea-prone skin. These may be prescription or over-the-counter, but they should not contain alcohol and should not irritate the skin. A mild sunscreen formulated for face can also help reduce redness and sun damage. In addition, some companies make green-tinted makeup specifically for rosacea patients that can hide redness and other signs of inflammation.
A number of medications can be used to treat different signs and symptoms of rosacea, including a topical antibiotic that decreases inflammation and irritation. Brimonidine and oxymetazoline, gels that are applied directly to the skin, can decrease redness by temporarily constricting blood vessels. These products can reduce redness for up to 12 hours, and they need to be applied regularly.
In addition, a topical retinoid can improve the appearance of the skin and help prevent breakouts. It is important to find the right retinoid for you and your doctor can help with this process.
A rosacea facial can help relieve redness, bumps, and flushing caused by the condition. The face can also be cleansed using a hot or cold compress several times a day. If your rosacea symptoms involve the eyes, your dermatologist can prescribe eye drops to relieve discomfort and inflammation. rosacea treatment