Fenbendazole is an antihelminthic drug used to treat rodent pinworm infestations and has also been reported to prevent tumor growth in some experimental models. The sanare lab fenbendazole cancer protocol has gained rapid interest in the past year after reports of some cancer survivors who took this deworming drug along with some additional supplements and saw dramatic improvement on their PET scans. The treatment involves taking the deworming drug fenbendazole which destroys microtubules in cancer cells and blocks them from processing sugar, a process that can lead to their proliferation. Berberine, another supplement commonly used in this protocol, works to limit cancer cells’ ability to take up glucose from the bloodstream. This limits the amount of energy cancer cells have and starves them.
We previously demonstrated that a diet containing the anthelminthic fenbendazole and the multivitamin pyridoxine/vitamin B6 inhibited tumor growth of human lymphoma xenografts in C.B-17/Icr-prkdcscid/Crl (SCID) mice. To determine if vitamin concentrations in the prepared diet contributed to this antitumor effect, a new study was designed to compare 4 diets: control, fenbendazole only, vitamins only, and fenbendazole plus vitamins. Initial complete blood counts did not differ between groups but at study termination, fenbendazole-plus-vitamins groups had significantly lower total white cell and neutrophil values than the control group.
20 vendor-supplied 4-wk-old SCID mice were fed either a standard diet, the control diet, a diet containing fenbendazole alone, or a diet containing both fenbendazole and vitamins. The vaccine xenograft tumors were subcutaneously injected in the flank and measured at 4-d intervals until they reached a calculated volume of 1500 mm3. Neither the fenbendazole-only diet nor the vitamins-only diet caused significant alteration in tumor growth but the combined treatment significantly inhibited tumor growth. These results suggest that a synergistic interaction between the fenbendazole and the vitamins is required to inhibit tumor growth. sanare lab fenbendazole